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LSPI co to jest i z czym to jeść

Investigation of Engine Oil Base Stock Effects on Low Speed Pre-Ignition in a Turbocharged Direct Injection SI Engine
Arthur Andrews, Raymond Burns, Richard Dougherty, Douglas Deckman, Mrugesh Patel
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol. 9, No. 2 (June 2016), pp. 400-407 (8 pages)

We have chosen to both present the results in a plot and (in the next section) attempt a more detailed data analysis. We plot the LSPI Frequency in Figure 3 as it varied with base stock kinematic viscosity, and mark the points by their API Group; viscosity and API group were the variables that ref [3] identified as affecting LSPI Frequency. The two highest viscosity base stocks in our design produced the most LSPI events in our experiments. Based on these two results, there appears to be a trend of increasing LSPI events with base stock viscosity (consistent with the finding of ref [3]), however there is no obvious trend with API Group (which differs from the findings of ref [3]). There also appears to be a fair amount of variance in LSPI that is not explained by the viscosity. It is worth investigating whether the variance observed in LSPI can be explained by other variables related to the base stock. In the next section we consider the data from a multivariate perspective.

With these three models we examined the data from several different perspectives. Unfortunately we found it impossible to independently measure the effect of more than a few basestock properties on LSPI events. However we find strong evidence that base stock viscosity tends to increase the number LSPI events, and base stock quality’s effect is less dramatic, and was not statistically significant in our data set
Jak to w końcu jest z dodatkami do oleju a LSPI, raz czytam, że nie powinno się dodawać bo może pogorszyć z racji za dużej ilości jakiś tam składników w oleju i dodatku a gdzie indziej że pomaga w przeciw powstawaniu LSPI np.ceratec https://liqui-moly.pl/spalanie-stukowe-lspi/
Jeśli ceratec to jest ten glut od LM, to na pewno paruje trudniej od oleju i na pewno zwiększa LSPI. Jeśli dostanie się do cylindra, czyli gdy pierścienie są nieszczelne.
Artykuł zalinkowany wyżej to brednie dyletanta, który myli 2 zupełnie inne zjawiska, czyli lspi i spalanie detonacyjne.
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Od 42 tys km mam w silniku podatnym na LSPI olej 0W20 i nie mam zastrzeżeń co do kultury pracy. W tym konkretnym silniku LSPI dokonywało zniszczeń w pierwszych latach produkcji, a wtedy Opel zalecał 5W30. Pewnie przyczyna była jeszcze inna, ale pytasz o olej, więc odpowiadam. A na Interii sprawdzam tylko pogodę.